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Lorraine Codjo
Phd Student 




Egnonnumi Lorraine CODJO received her Master Degree in Electrotechnical engineering, Automation and Production System from the Electrical and Computer engineering department of the Catholic University of West Africa (Benin) in 2015 and her Master Degree in Mechatronics and Energies from the Faculty of Physics & Engineering of the University of Strasbourg (France) in 2018. Since September 2018, she has started her PhD thesis in the Electrical Power Engineering Unit. Her research focuses on the implementation of new adaptive modelling techniques/tools for the metered Low voltage electrical networks management within integration of the network parameter as a variable uncertainty.

Research description:


 This research project addresses the upgrading of the Low Voltage distribution network state, parameters and management profiles through the exploitation of the information provided by Smart Metering devices installed at the residential scale. The goal is to model the electrical network using a big quantity of data through the opportunity offered by the extended installation of those smart metering devices. The individual measurements along the LV feeder could be combined with signal processing and data mining methods for developing new models while trying to overcome the lack of knowledge about the line parameters (degradation, seasonal variation appearance) and the substation operating conditions. Those new models will then serve as tools for an effective monitoring, diagnostic and prognostic of the Low Voltage networks with the future advantage of better managing (e.g. by detecting failures before they become costly, by improving probabilistic load flows used for techno-economic analysis, by increasing the robustness of the voltage control algorithms…).

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